Our story

Everybody has one

We started out in 2019 as a church plant – part of a larger Christian Reformed Church. As we grew and learned from our community how to live out the grace of God, we grew into a different understanding than our parent church and denomination.

Although we separated from them, we still embrace a Reformed understanding of the gospel, and are still reforming.

We are committed to building a faith community where everyone is not only welcomed, but celebrated as an integral part of our church.

God has been ridiculously, over-the-top faithful to us! We continued to meet as a church and began the process of what we called “wandering in the desert”. We were nomads meeting when and where we could but with passion and excitement for what God had in store for us.

We put together a new leadership team and emerged as Canvas Church in October 2022. We are a fully affirming church with a deep love for our community. We are indeed a community for all.

We found a space to call our own in December of 2022, just in time to kick off the new year together as a faith community. Come on over and check it out at 2976 Ivanrest Ave SW in Wyoming, MI Sundays at 10am!

God is still writing our story and we would love for you to be a part of it!

Core Values

What Guides Us

Humble Curiosity

We believe in a God who is beyond our comprehension and yet invites us to know and learn more about him. God reveals parts of himself to us in many different ways: through the Holy Spirit, his word, his creation, and through each other as image bearers. The limits of our human understanding naturally create flaws in our knowledge, our teaching, and our theology. As such, we do not pretend to have all the answers. So we approach God and each other in both humility and curiosity so that we may continue to grow in knowledge of God and his works.

Courageous Grace

The scriptures begin with the creation of the world and of community and then quickly transitions to the breaking of community between God and each other. We believe that the restoration of community, in all its forms, is at the center of God’s heart and the callings he gives each and every one of us.

Because of our tendency to fracture community with each other, both intentionally and unintentionally, it takes a lot of courage to live in community. The main mender of community is grace and Church should be a place where grace abounds.

Grace is not earned, it is given. We must always be willing to extend grace to everyone just like God did and continues to do for us through His Son.

However, it is much harder to receive grace than it is to give. And often, the hardest person to receive grace from is yourself. Through our pursuit of restoring community, we continually seek the courage to give and receive grace.

Persistent Hope

We believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is already here but not yet fully. We are invited to participate in the work of the Kingdom alongside and through the Holy Spirit.

Hope is not passive but must be actively lived into. We call participants in the Olympics – Olympic Hopefuls. As such, they do not passively sit around waiting for the event to see if they win. They spend countless hours practicing in pursuit of that hope.

We live into the persistent hope of the Kingdom of Heaven that is already here but not yet. We strive to live our lives every day as if the Kingdom is already here in its fulfillment.

Rich Diversity

The scriptures proclaim that “the Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.” This means that everything – every rock, plant, creature, and every person – is made by and belongs to God. Everything has the signature of the creator imbued upon it and no work of man, no matter how hard we try, can remove or even hide it.

We have the wonderful privilege of discovering and learning about all the unique ways in which God has left his image on the world, including in each other. Every person (yes, every person’s orientation, culture, ability level, & story) was designed for a purpose for the glory of God and the advancement of his Kingdom. The celebration of this diversity of purpose and gifts is the highest level of worship.


Who You Will See

Carrie Rodgers

Lead Pastor

I have the privilege of being the Lead Pastor of Canvas Church. I have a deep love for the church and want to see it become what Jesus intended it to be. I have a nephew who is a huge part of my life and we have a goal of visiting all the National Parks together…we have a long way to go! Relationships are what fuel me and I would love to sit down over a cup of coffee or a local brew and hear your story. This place isn’t perfect, but together we are trying to build an inclusive, affirming and safe community for all. I hope you can join us.

Jordan Trumpie

Worship Pastor

Hello, I am Jordan Trumpie, and I serve as the Worship Pastor at Canvas Church. In my free time, I enjoy fishing and playing Dungeons and Dragons (I’m a huge nerd). I also appreciate the art of hospitality, and I love making homemade lattes and pour-over coffees for people who want a dose of caffeine and a friendly chat. At Canvas Church, I strive to create meaningful worship experiences and be a supportive presence in the community.